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Sub-Grant Project # 2

Name of the sub-grantee: “Armenian Camp” Language & Sailing School” NGO

Name of the sub-grant project: “Accessible transportation”

Brief Description: The program refers to the monitoring and publicizing of budget expense on the adaptation of transportation to the people with mobility restrictions (difficulties) in Yerevan.
The goal of the project is to assist in increasing the efficiency of transport services for citizens with mobility difficulties in Yerevan.

Actions in Brief: The project will be implemented via the following actions:

Monitoring of budget expense on supplying Yerevan transportation with elevators.
Monitoring , testing and evaluation of Yerevan customized buses.
Conducting surveys among different performers of the project
Meeting-discussions among different sectorial representatives and decision makers in the municipality.
Thematic publications in the press
Round-table discussions on the problem of accessible transport in Yerevan
Press conference
Publicizing the interactive map of the customized buses.

Here is the video about the project.


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