

Electronic resources created within the framework of the «Informed Armenia» project


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Electronic resources created within the framework of the «Informed Armenia» project


Name of the organization/ link of the online platform

Brief Description
TV media ALT
A specialized platform of the official website “ALT TV”, where the results of public oversight monitoring are published.

“National Road Safety Council” NGO

A specialized road safety platform featuring information and educational materials, thematic series.
Rights Protection Initiative Foundation

The purpose of the online information and advisory platform is to increase the participation of community members in regions in decision-making process related to their socio-economic rights, as well as to support the exercise of their rights.

“Aware and protected consumer” NGO

An advisory platform related to the protection of consumers’ rights, which allows the citizen to submit his / her complaint directly to the state authorities. The platform is a mediator between the public, the journalistic community and the state, ensuring effective use of consumer rights.
Fund of Armenian Relief Fellowship Alumni’s Association

Information platform for rare diseases designed for patients, specialized doctors and institutions working in the field. This platform also proposes mechanisms for finding an appropriate physician / medical center, as well as joining an association created to protect patients’ interests within the project.

Goris Press Club
Journalistic platform where news is presented in multimedia format.
“Info House” NGO
Information platform about real owners of Armenian mass media. All data are based on the information provided by the State Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of RA.

“Association of Young Journalists” NGO

The revised version of the NGO’s official website has created an educational resource that enables CSOs to provide online educational services. Online courses on strategic communication and freedom of information have already been developed and launched.


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