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Combating Disinformation
FOICA supports the fight against disinformation by developing and implementing strategic documents regulating the sector, as well as by organizing targeted capacity-building training on fact-checking and access to information for various stakeholders. FOICA also disseminates information and documents essential to crucial public spheres.
From 2019 to 2022, the FOICA jointly with the Public Journalism Club implemented the “Access to Information: New Challenges, New Solutions” project. This initiative was aimed at enhancing access to information and transparency, as well as empowering youth with practical knowledge and skills to fulfill their role in active citizen control, improving the flow and quality of public information.
During 2020-2021, the FOICA implemented the “Combating Disinformation Virus” project, focusing on empowering media literacy and fact-checking skills of youth by creating fact-checking laboratories in 5 Universities and schools in Armenia.
From 2021, the FOICA engaged the business community. in the fight against disinformation Within the framework of the “Empowering the Private Sector to Combat Disinformation” project, FOICA developed and implemented capacity-building courses on fact-checking for private sector representatives.
To implement systemic changes in the sector, within the framework of the “The National Strategy for Combating Disinformation in Armenia” project, FOICA has developed the Concept and the Action Plan for Combating Disinformation 2024-2026, which were adopted on December 27, 2023. The documents define the strategic directions of the fight against disinformation, which the Government of Armenia should be guided by in communicating with the public, media, and civil society. It envisages a complex of urgent and immediate actions to protect the Republic of Armenia, its institutions, and citizens from disinformation.