About foica

About Foica


Thanks to two years of efforts of FOICA and active cooperation with partners, the Concept and the Action Plan of the Struggle against Disinformation 2024-2026 were adopted. The documents were developed by the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.
In January 2024, the "Civil Pact" party, after the FOICA appealed to the court, asked to sign a settlement agreement and provided the required information on pre-election fundraising.
This is the first court precedent in Armenia, which refers to proactive transparency; the local public authority was obliged to fulfill the duty established by the FOI law to ensure proactive transparency, based on a judicial act.

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Success Story 25։ Road Police Provide the Information and Compensate the Expenses of the FOICA

On November 24, 2017, the court decision against the RA Road Police came into force for the benefit of FOICA. According to the court decision of the RA Administrative Court the RA Road Police is obliged to provide the information that it had not provided before, as well as compensate the expenses of FOICA by paying 50000 AMD.

For not providing the information FOICA had applied to the Road Police asking to provide information on road cameras and photo-speedometer devices. The Road Police had not provided any information. Thus, on June 26, 2015, FOICA applied to the RA Administrative Court asking to recognize the actions or idleness of the RA Road Police as unlawful, since the body had not provided any information to the FOICA’s request within the timeframe defined by the Law on Freedom of Information, as well as FOICA asked to oblige the RP to provide within the five days the information that FOICA asked on May 22, 2015.

After this when FOICA had already applied to the court, TP provided the answer to the request. Thus, FOICA withdrew the claim of obliging to provide information.

On December 22, 2015, the Administrative Court satisfied FOICA’s claim and recognized the inaction of RA Road Police as unlawful. After that FOICA applied to the Administrative Court once again with a claim to oblige the Road Police to compensate the expenses caused by the unlawful inaction. The compensation claim was satisfied on November 24, 2017.


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