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The FOI places billboards in the communities of Armenia

“Freedom of Information Center” NGO has been implementing a project with financial assistance of USAID “ACCESS TO INFORMATION FOR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT» within the framework of which 100 information billboards will be placed in 20 communities throughout Armenia.  7 billboards are to be placed in urban communities, and 3 – in rural communities.  

A few billboards have been placed in Ararat town and Jrashen rural community of Ararat Marz; Areni, Aghavnadzor, Getap rural communities of Vayots Dzor Marz; Ijevan town of Tavush Marz; Byureghavan town and Nor Gyugh rural community of Kotayk Marz; Lchashen rural community of Gegharkunik Marz; and Kapan town of Syunik Marz.  

The billboards are envisaged to provide population with information. Community leaders must regularly place their decisions, draft decisions, community budget, budget-related statements, etc. on these billboards. This means that all the information subject to     compulsory publication as established by Article 7 of the RA Law “On Freedom of Information”.  


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