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Outside the law

On December 22, 2009, the Court of the General Competence of Center and Nork Marash administrative districts made a decision to dismiss the case FOICA vs. the “Armenian National Congress” Pact.

The court case was dismissed by the following reason: according to the RA Code of Civil Procedure only physical and legal persons may become as a respondent party at the court in civil cases. Therefore, as the “Armenian National Congress” is a pact of several political parties, and it is neither a physical nor a legal person, it can not be a respondent at the court. Despite according to the Electoral Code of RA the Pact has certain rights and responsibilities, it is impossible to bring a law suit against the “Armenian National Congress”. Obviously, unequal conditions are set before the “Armenian National Congress” Pact and all other political parties which participated in the recent elections.


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