About foica

About Foica


The program, implemented with the support of the RSF, successfully enhanced the professional skills of Artsakh journalists. It helped them become more competitive in the labor market, establish connections with the journalistic field in Armenia, and improve their professional abilities.
As a result of the program implemented with the support of "Reporters Without Borders" organization, Artsakh journalists prepared 10 multimedia articles on Artsakh issues.

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Success Story 10։ Negative Rusty Lock wasn’t Awarded for the First Time

In 2012, during the 10th annual “Golden Key and Rusty Lock” award ceremony it was the first time that the negative Rusty Lock award, a symbol of secrecy, was not announced. This shows the consistent work done by the Freedom of Information Center.

It has been already 10 years since 2003 after the adoption of the Armenian FOI law that the Freedom of Information Center holds the FOI Annual Award Ceremony which has become an important awareness-raising campaign tool and a stimulus for developing good access to information practices by public bodies. The Golden Keys Awards are awarded as a symbol of openness and transparency, and the Rusty Lock Awards are awarded as a symbol of secrecy.

In 2012 it was the first time that the jury was unable to select the most secret state body, as there was no state body that never fulfills the requirements of the RA Law on FOI https://www.foi.am/en/foi-award-ceremony


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