About foica

About Foica


Thanks to two years of efforts of FOICA and active cooperation with partners, the Concept and the Action Plan of the Struggle against Disinformation 2024-2026 were adopted. The documents were developed by the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.
In January 2024, the "Civil Pact" party, after the FOICA appealed to the court, asked to sign a settlement agreement and provided the required information on pre-election fundraising.
This is the first court precedent in Armenia, which refers to proactive transparency; the local public authority was obliged to fulfill the duty established by the FOI law to ensure proactive transparency, based on a judicial act.

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Success Story 9։ The Website Created with the Support of FOICA was Recognized as the Best

In 2011 and 2012, the official website of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration www.mta.gov.am, initiated and developed by the FOICA, 2 times in a row was recognized as the best official website in Armenia among 52 official websites.

In 2011, thanks to the Freedom of Information Center, the websites of the MTA and 10 regional administrations were upgraded; thanks to the FOICA, the state bodies got an opportunity to provide information to the public on their own initiative. The modernized websites promote the publicity of the activities of the Regional Administration and the more transparent organization of public awareness activities. The websites are the best promotion for more effective communication between the state governance system and the public. All the information subject to mandatory publication is posted on the websites.


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