About foica

About Foica


The program, implemented with the support of the RSF, successfully enhanced the professional skills of Artsakh journalists. It helped them become more competitive in the labor market, establish connections with the journalistic field in Armenia, and improve their professional abilities.
As a result of the program implemented with the support of "Reporters Without Borders" organization, Artsakh journalists prepared 10 multimedia articles on Artsakh issues.

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Success Story 2. FOICA Publicizes Incomes of the RA High Ranking Officials

The Freedom of information Center is the first NGO that publicizes incomes of the RA high ranking officials and through the analysis informs the public what income officials have compared with the previous years, what property they have purchased and so on.

Since 2006, every year Freedom of Information Center receives from the State Revenue Committee data included in the income and asset declarations of high ranking officials – ministers, governors, judges-publishes them on its website https://www.foi.am/en/declarations/, analyzes the data and compares with the data of previous years and publishes the analysis.


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