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Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Since 2018, FOICA has played an active role in advancing beneficial ownership transparency as part of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). It initiated public consultations on OGP and collaborated with the Government of Armenia to establish a new commitment to beneficial ownership transparency in the 4th National Action Plan, which was approved in November 2019. As part of this commitment, Armenia introduced a public, Public Register of Beneficial Owners for all business sectors.

Following this development, FOICA launched initiatives to raise public awareness about the reform and enhance the capacity of the business community and civil society organizations (CSOs). FOICA conducted thematic research, designed a specialized educational program for business representatives, organized capacity-building training sessions and advisory meetings, and provided personalized guidance to businesses on the BTI declaration process.

To further promote the Beneficial Ownership Transparency Initiative, FOICA also implemented targeted programs for CSOs. Supported by the Open Ownership organization, these initiatives included training sessions for CSOs and journalists, focusing on building skills in analyzing beneficial ownership data and applying it in research and journalism. Additionally, FOICA continues to collaborate with other international partners to implement thematic programs, ensuring ongoing reforms and active engagement from key stakeholders.

In Spring 2022, FOICA produced a series of video interviews and print articles on BO transparency that have been distributed via social networks and media. Well-known media professionals, government representatives and experts talked about BO transparency reform advantages in the country. In January-February, 2022 FOICA organized a series of workshops for business companies on BO issues.

The FOICA identified the main questions regarding the real beneficiaries and prepared infographics and animated videos presenting the answers. 14 frequently asked questions and answers were also prepared to explain BO related question in a clear language and user-friendly format. 

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