The government remains passive in improving the overall practice of freedom of information and creating a favorable environment for the proper realization of the right to access information. No steps have been taken by the Armenian government to implement the recommendations outlined in the 5th evaluation report adopted during the 96th plenary meeting of GRECO (Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption) in 2024. The report highlights the absence of a dedicated oversight body to ensure systematic and independent appeals, continuous monitoring, and consistent enforcement of the law. GRECO’s recommendations to Armenia include:
– Conducting an independent assessment of the implementation of freedom of information legislation, focusing on exceptions, timely responses, proactive publication, and effective enforcement, followed by legislative and practical measures to improve public access to information.
– Collecting and publishing official statistical data on refusals, delayed or incomplete responses, and providing information to the public about measures taken to address shortcomings.
– Considering the establishment of a dedicated independent oversight body to ensure independent reviews, monitoring, and promotion of uniform application of freedom of information legislation.
Freedom of Information in Armenia-2024