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Are Political Parties Open?

From September 10 to October 10, 2006 the Freedom of Information Center requested information from 23 political parties registered in Armenia to provide their programs and 2005 financial reports. The aim of the information request was to find out whether the parties realize their responsibilities fixed in their programs before starting their election campaign.

14 parties out of 23 provided full information to the request of FOICA, 3 of which provided partial answer. 9 political parties didn’t respond at all. To see the list of the inquiry, see below.

Politial Parties


Time Period of Reply

Country of Law complete

4 days

hard copy
National Democr Party  complete

4 days

hard copy
Republic Party complete

4 days

Dashink program, zero finantial report

6 days

National Unity program (from internrt site), for financial report referred to State Tax Service

6 days

hard copy
Heritage program (from internrt site), for financial report referred to the Ministry of Justice and State Tax Service

7 days

hard copy
People’s party complete

7 days

hard copy
Social Democrat Hunchakian Party complete

7 days

hard copy
Armenian Aryan Party program (also charter), zero financial report

7 days

Armenian National Movement program, for financial report referred to the Ministry of Justice and Taregir newspaper 

7 days

hard copy
Republican Party of Armenia complete

8 days

Armenian Revolutionary Federation

program, for financial report referred to Yerkir weekly 

10 days

 hard copy
Prosperous Armenia program is not approved yet, zero financial report

12 days

National Democratic Party complete

13 days

Union of National Self-Determination      no reply
Youth Party of Armenia     no reply
United Labour Party     no reply
Comunist Party of Armenia     no reply
Liberal Democratic Union     no reply
Ramkavar Azatakan Party     no reply
Constitutional Right Union     no reply
Justice     no reply
People’s party     no reply


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