


The Project was supported by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The Project started in March 2023 and ended in June 2024.
The project aims to strengthen the capacities and skill sets of media professionals in Armenia on FOI, PDP, and beneficial ownership transparency reforms to investigate and report on matters of public interest
The Project was supported by The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The Project started in July 2023 and ended in December 2023.

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27. “Sensitization on International Standards for Freedom of Expression for Lawyers, Judges, and Media Representatives”

Supported by the OSCE office in Yerevan. Project duration is 2 months (October – November 2012).

The project objective is to strengthen extra-judiciary mechanisms for solving media related disputes and to achieve better protection and promotion of the freedom of expression in Armenia.

Project Outputs:

  • Workshop was orgonised with representatives of the RA Judicial Department and members of Information Disputes Council;
  • Development and bilingual publication of IDC expert opinions;
  • Development of IDC website –;
  • Presentation of the publication with IDC expert opinions and IDC website.


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