


The Project was supported by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The Project started in March 2023 and ended in June 2024.
The project aims to strengthen the capacities and skill sets of media professionals in Armenia on FOI, PDP, and beneficial ownership transparency reforms to investigate and report on matters of public interest
The Project was supported by The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The Project started in July 2023 and ended in December 2023.

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20. Support to ACSMC Expert Group in developing the new Anticorruption Strategy

The mission of the project is to contribute to the work of the Expert Group for Development of the New Anti-corruption Strategy by providing technical support (assessment, advisory and expertise) and facilitating communication between the Expert Group and Civil Society.

In particular, the following activities are planned to be implemented:
    • Providing technical assistance to the Expert Group, in particular: providing assessment of the outcomes of 2003-07 Anti corruption strategy implementation in the specific fields, such as education, health, judicial, customs, tax, bank and other spheres. Providing advisory and expertise in the content development process of the new Anticorruption Strategy, as well as developing several sections of the Strategy (including assessment of the current situation to find out needs gaps, and preparing recommendations).
    • Providing advisory and expertise in the content development process of the new Anticorruption Strategy, as well as developing the following sections of the Strategy (including assessment of the current situation and preparing recommendations).


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