

Analysis of the Legal Framework for the Right to Information


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Analysis of the Legal Framework for the Right to Information

This Analysis is broken down into two parts, the first focusing specifically on the system of appeals under the Armenian law, the subject of Category 5 of the RTI Rating. This starts with a section indicating why having a dedicated oversight body for RTI is crucially important for Armenia, and goes on to analyse the specific strengths and weaknesses of the current system of appeals from the perspective of the RTI Rating.The first looks at the general approach towards appeals and oversight taken in the Armenian legal framework for RTI, highlighting how creating a dedicated oversight body, including with the power to hear appeals, would be a better approach.
The second part provides a general assessment of the RTI Law based largely on the other six categories of the RTI Rating. Both parts provide detailed recommendations for how the RTI Law could be strengthened. The aim of the Analysis is to provide assistance anyone who is interested in reviewing the RTI Law and, in particular, in bringing it more closely into line with international standards.

The RTI Law should give a central body a general mandate to promote properimplementation of the law, to raise public awareness about its provisions andthe rights it creates for citizens, and to adopt a central annual report onimplementation.
The RTI law should also put in place a proper records management system thatinvolves the setting of standards by a central body, the provision of trainingand a monitoring system to promote compliance with the standards.

Analysis of the Legal Framework for the Right to Information by Toby Mendel


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