About foica

About Foica


Thanks to two years of efforts of FOICA and active cooperation with partners, the Concept and the Action Plan of the Struggle against Disinformation 2024-2026 were adopted. The documents were developed by the Freedom of Information Center of Armenia.
In January 2024, the "Civil Pact" party, after the FOICA appealed to the court, asked to sign a settlement agreement and provided the required information on pre-election fundraising.
This is the first court precedent in Armenia, which refers to proactive transparency; the local public authority was obliged to fulfill the duty established by the FOI law to ensure proactive transparency, based on a judicial act.

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Success Story 15։ Results of the Checkups are already on the Official Website

Thanks to the consistent efforts of the Freedom of Information Center, the results of the checkups by the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets were posted on this service’s section on the official website of the RA Ministry of Economy (www.mineconomy.am).
Note that over the recent period, the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets had performed controversial checkups about violations of requirements set out by technical regulations and normative standardization documentation on non food products and services provided by economic entities, on which consumers were getting information, moreover non complete information only from media.

Therefore, FOICA applied to the Head of the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets Levon Khalikyan with the request, asking to inform where and with what procedure the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets publishes information subject to mandatory publication in accordance with part 3 of Article 7 of the law of the RA “On Freedom of Information”. In response to the request, the State Inspectorate has sent a letter which reads that the necessary information has been posted on the website of the Ministry of Economy at: www.mineconomy.am. However, there was no information at the website. FOICA had applied to the RA Minister of Economy, asking to ensure, within a reasonably short period, that the information related to the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets and prescribed by part 3 of Article 7 of the Law be posted on the website of the RA Ministry of Economy. As of December 3, 2012, the summary reports of 2011 and 2012, the documents necessary during checkups, guidance for filling out checklists, address, phone numbers of the Inspectorate as well as legislative package within which the State Inspectorate for Surveillance of Markets works are now posted on the section of the aforementioned agency on the official website of the RA Ministry of Economy.


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