


The Project was supported by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The Project started in March 2023 and ended in June 2024.
The project aims to strengthen the capacities and skill sets of media professionals in Armenia on FOI, PDP, and beneficial ownership transparency reforms to investigate and report on matters of public interest
The Project was supported by The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). The Project started in July 2023 and ended in December 2023.

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30. Qualitative monitoring of election campaign coverage

Supported by Counterpart International by the USAID/Armenia funding. Project duration: 1 month (April 15 – May 15 2013).

Freedom of Information Center of Armenia (FOICA) with its partner Ngo Caucasus Institute carried a qualitative study of the campaign of municipal elections in Yerevan. The project strived to assess the extent to which online media enable the informed decision-making of voters.

In order to achieve the goal, FOICA and its partner CI 1) conducted discourse analysis of the campaign coverage in on-line media including on-line versions of the print newspapers; and 2) assessed if the municipal pre-electoral campaign in on-line media enables an informed choice.

A comprehensive study report was produced as an outcome of the project and widely disseminated among stakeholders and online audiences.

Monitoring Report on Yerevan Municipal Election Campaign-2013


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